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漫畫 / 美國 / 科幻 / 《 邊境異障 》 (Barrier)



螢幕快照 2017-11-21 上午7.02.20.png


“The sequence in the sprawling alien ship mimic the experience of finding yourself in a new place and not knowing the language or any of the customs, and Oscar and Liddy’s exchanges highlight how alien humans can feel to each other sometimes. "

螢幕快照 2017-11-21 下午4.35.15.png


螢幕快照 2017-11-21 下午4.44.36.png

“But the unexpected pleasure of reading Barrier comes from how it takes me away from the prejudices and superficial judgments that fly back and north in this dysfunctional election year. No matter how alien they may seem, the people demonized by factions on either side of life’s barriers are just as human as their counterparts."


有興趣的話可以看一下這一篇Barrier Is a Science-Fiction Comic That America Needs Right Now
